Tajikistan residents called for food for two years and be prepared for protection of sovereignty

 1 Apr 2022  https://www.silkway.news/tajikistan-residents-called-for-food-65152/

President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon called on citizens of the country due to the tense and dangerous political and economic situation in the world to stock food for two years. His words are given on the website of the head of state in the text of congratulations on the occurrence of the month of Ramadan.

Today, in addition to the problems associated with climate change, its negative consequences, the infectious disease of COVID-19, the lack of food and price increases, all human society is deeply concerned about the unstable situation in individual regions and countries of the planet. … in this regard I would like to emphasize once again that each family should think about ensuring your family, to produce as much as possible and stock food for two years as possible, “said Rakhmon, whose words leads RBC.

The President of Tajikistan noted that humanity is now “in the most sensitive and challenging period” history, whose consequences “are unpredictable and long-term.” “This year will be the most difficult and difficult for humanity in all respects and, above all, in terms of ensuring food security,” the head of the Tajik state suggested.

In the conditions of the “extremely tense” setting in the world, it is necessary to be cohesive and vigilant, ready to protect the sovereignty and security of the state, the President of Tajikistan added: “When the political, military, economic and social situation in the world is extremely tense, crisis, complex and dangerous, The issue of independence and freedom of individual countries and their statehood is seriously raised, which encourages each of us to be cohesive and ensure the security of the state and society. We are obliged to always be ready to protect the invaluable gift of our life – state independence and its achievements. “


義務貯蔵(:de:Pflichtlager) – スイスが供給危機による影響を受けている場合、又はスイスが国際的に放出を義務づけられている場合にのみ、連邦国民経済大臣の決定により放出することができる備蓄
 1:義務的責任在庫(obligatorische Pflichtlagerhaltung) – 連邦政府が民間企業と契約している4か月分(目標6か月)を乗り切る食料、エネルギー、医薬品の備蓄
 2:任意的責任在庫(freiwillige Pflichtlagerhaltung) – 連邦政府が民間企業と契約している政府指定の備蓄物資以外の備蓄品
家庭内備蓄(Haushaltvorrat) – 各家庭にパンフレットを配り推奨している備蓄
 基礎的備蓄(Grundvorrat) – 食料14日分
 追加的備蓄(Ergänzungsvorrat)- 食料以外(生理用品、燃料、ペットフードほか)
 飲料備蓄(Getränkevorrat)- 飲み物2日分


カテゴリー: 未分類, 雑念雑話 パーマリンク